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How OCR helps in automating data extraction

If you are running a business with multiple branches or even a student who is writing some assignments, you have to encounter a number of papers on …

Top NEW Features Adobe Photoshop cc 2022

Adobe just released the latest photoshop cc 2022, 23.0.0 version. This new version of photoshop contains many features and update to new tools. All b…

The Basic to Advanced CMD Commands List Under Windows

What is Command Prompt? The command prompt, also known as CMD, is a command-line interpreter that is available for the Windows operating s…

How to Setup React JS Project in Visual Studio Code?

We are going to install and set up React JS project file in vs code. React JS is a popular Javascript library used to build single-page user interfac…

The Best Budget Graphic Design Laptops Under $1000 in 2021

Graphic design laptops in the sub $1000 range can give you the performance you need for heavy design projects, but you still want a reliable notebo…

Top 5 Unique Website to Find Design inspiration

When starting to create something like Logo, Illustrations, and UX design, we need to get inspire and generate new ideas from other designs. Must of …